When developing a platform, especially one designed for a diverse user base, understanding what those users genuinely need can make or break the project’s success. User stories provide one of the most effective ways to capture these needs in a format that is simple, actionable, and user-focused. But what exactly are user stories, and why are they so essential?
What Are User Stories?
A user story is a brief, straightforward description of a feature or requirement, expressed from the perspective of the platform’s end user. Typically structured as “As a [Actor identification], I want [goal/feature] in order to [benefits],” user stories help development teams prioritize the end user’s experience and goals, rather than focusing solely on technical tasks.
For example:
- “As a first-time user, I want a guided tour so that I can understand how to navigate the platform.”
- “As a resident who produces solar energy, I want to automatically trade excess energy with my neighbours at peak prices in order to maximize my earnings and contribute to the community’s energy resilience.”

Turning User Stories into Action
Creating effective user stories begins with direct engagement with users. Through surveys, interviews, and observational research, teams can gather insights into users’ challenges, goals, and expectations.
To ensure the effectiveness of the InterPED platform and foster active citizen participation, we organized workshops at each pilot site to collect user stories directly from participants. These insights were essential for shaping user requirements that align with the project’s goals. The gathered information is also being compiled for deliverable D4.2, which will be submitted in December.
Stay tuned for updates as we continue developing a platform that truly meets user needs!
Author: Diana Ghiold (SIMAVI)